Sunday, June 20, 2010


2day 7am wake up le...
damn tired..

then bath, prepare..
til 8am go out...
fetch dear dear then go skul...

dear dear take out her shoe 2 walk...
vry YA...
laugh sei me..

then i help thm do sumthing lu~
FOC geh...
gei gud...

then thy do registeration
i vry sien...
sms wif mama[jason]...
i gt new baba jor...
so fast

then salah cal dou him...
so fishy

then the event start...
then speech...
cakap byk...
sien dou~~

then break the ice..
nt reli fun

then tea break
if i'm nt wrong lar...
coz i alr memory loss..
old jor...
the rice nt bad...

then start band performance...
smack soul...
thy performing 'Zombie'
vry nice...

then shout wif shan n bobo...
vry crazy..

shout til sore throat
nvm nah~
as well as it's hapi...

then thy dance oso...
super junior - sorry sorry...
v keep shout n shout n shout...
vry support..

then i 4gt is wat jor...


4 me is quite sien actually...

then til finish...
our leg vry pain...
shan n felicia take out their high heel n walk out the skul..
vry YA..
gt taman desa student staring...
fishy fishy yer~~

the me n yan run over them...
gik sei them...

then take taxi go sri petaling lrt station...
then lrt then monorail til bukit bintang...
then walk 2 pavilion...
me, felicia n shan vry suffer...
coz the shoes is nt comfort AT ALL

then go dou pavilion
shan n felicia beh tahan d...
find place 2 sit...
then yan n me go line up 2 buy tickets 4 movie...
toy story 3...

then buy 4.30pm tickets...
1st roll...

yin cum le...
her leg pain too...

then go toilet...
me, shan, felicia n yin take out the shoes at toilet...
v no image jor...
my leg comfort is most important...
hiak hiak~
jue cum le...
then take photo take photo...
i didnt take many ...
coz vry yong sui
n i stil duno use my new hp..
+ vry tired..
[photo uploaded 2 fb]

then go watch movie le...

shan lost the tickets b4 watch...
then v keep find find find~~
at last
found in the dustbin...
so blur jor her

toy story 3...
i love it .
go watch go watch...

then shan watch til cry...
so shock~
scared me...

then i n shan bac 1st...
i vry rush...
make dou shan fall down...
soli nie~~
paiseh paiseh

then v walk til behind pavilion ait my mum fetch

then bac hm le...

2day reli EXHAUSTED..


holidays gonna end d...
so sad
i wan holiday~!!