Wednesday, June 9, 2010


tis may b a rojak post..
n may b long...

i kinda lik blogging recently..
no y..
mayb too free..

bt actually i hav many things to do...
many holiday work..
n i NID 2 tidy up my wardrobe
it's reli MESSY..
until i beh tahan..
bt i always think 2 do ..
bt no time 4 it...
too bad~~xD
any volunteer.?

start 2day story^^

2day i slept til 12pm...

then i went tt..
then i bac hm a while..
then go out again..
full schedule

i skipped my reggae class again..
so bad..
coz it's late...
bt actually i wanna go 4 it..
bt i hav no transport..

so i went pm wif jue n her bf..
so bad.!
i'm being their light bulb..
damn boring...

so i went 2 find james,lai them..
they r so funny..
thy shouted around..
n so fishy..
bt i'm hapii tat time wif them...
summore lai thy dance in front ppl stall..
i so proud of him..

then jue cal me n said wn bac d..
then i went 2 find her..
i almost pok gai AGAIN at the stair thr...
luckily i'm didnt..
so FISHY..@@
then i saw him..
bt i nt dare 2 look at him..
juz faster walk away..

after get in car..
i changed my mind..
i decided 2 walk pm wif yin..
so i get down frm car..
soli jue..
make trouble 4 u n eur bf..
i noe i'm ddy..

then i go find yin...
then walk pm wif yin..
abt 10.11 sumthing d..
bt pm stil many ppl..
so hot..
then v juz walk around..
then i bought 爱玉冰
it's nice..
yum yum~
mayb it's bcoz i'm thirsty
then i bought a t-shirt..
rm 10...
spent money again..=X
then yin bought a shoe..
it's only rm 5..
cheap n nice

then v go bac lurh..
went old town find my mum...
i spilt my mum old town choc..
boh bian~
i hav 2 admit..
i'm vry 'LUN JUN'

abt 11 sumthing only reach hm..
then ate the chic wings
n enjoy my old town hazelnut white coffee .

then on9..
having fun wif lai n james..
thy r funny..

n nw 3.25am blogging..
gonna b panda 2moro..

then i wanna tel tat..
i had ear piercing AGAIN..

show off my ear piercing again..=D

bt after the ear piercing..
i cnt wear the handfree on tat ear..
n duno wil the ear feel itchy==
bt i cnt scratch it..


n tat day i noe a new fren..
tat 1 hu help me 4 ear piercing
n tat day i n my dear having fun on the shop..
v had been in the shop abt 3 hours..

u c..
the octopus
on my head..
it's sooo cute~

octopus again..

a pink mask
4 me
i think it's quite cool..

n i love tis necklace sooooo much~~
bt it's expensive 4 me..
so eager 2 buy it..=[

tat's all 4 tat day..

i'm hapii when b with my fren..
thx my all fren...
i appreciate it
love u guys sooo much.!
[mayb recently i nt so talkactive..但我不是故意的..i juz unhapii recently..hope u guys cn forgiv mii..i'm soli~ >< ]
i want 2 b a crazy girl instead of a emo girl...
r u guys agree.?
4 sure..
i wil try my best..

nw alr 4am
i shud go slp d..
nite all...