Wednesday, June 16, 2010

yo~!! i'm bac..

i'm bac...


2day vry early wake up d...
then go car4 ..
4 the super de singing competition...

super tired n sien...

koujee super yeng n handsome...

then at car4 walk walk til 4.30pm
then dad cum car4 fetch me go bukit jalil take bus...
coz i duno whr the platform.. >.<
i vry stupid geh...

i take bus bac malacca alone..
gei cham~
once the bus start...
i started eat my choc..
yum yum~~

then zao sms sms sms~
listen song~
vry enjoy...
hiak hiak hiak~

once i started wanna slp.
it gonna reach de...

after reach bus station,
i wait my mum cum fetch ..
wait jor abt 45mins...

then straight go dream box sing k...
i'm damn tired neh..
then blur blur lik tat go sing k...
thr gt buffet..
i ate a bit only...
coz vry tired...
so eat le listen thy sing lu~
dun hav da mood 2 sing...

then juz listen lu~
n sms wif him n a monkey..

then hor~
my cousin super pro lorh..
8 years old only...
cn sing full song...
M2M - pretty boy...
hou geng...
i pui fuk pui fuk~
she stil noe sing higher n louder on some parts...

thy oso sing Wonder Girl - Nobody
bt juz repeat the same ...
i want nobody nobody bt you...
bt we listen geh vry sien ..

then duno abt wat time bac home...
i slp at my grandparent house..
then my mum, aunt n cousin slp at my mum house..

then i on9 on9 til i beh tahan...
then only go slp...

bt vry zha dou..
malacca cnt on9 geh meh.?
many ppl ask me y i on9

then slp le..


i early wake le...
bt damn tired nah...
i juz wake then go bath...
bt my mum sms me say my cousin havnt wake...

then i on9...
wait thy cum..
i'm hungry nah...
bt boh bian...
hav 2 wake...

then thy cum le..
go eat breakfast..
wan tan mee...
nt nice geh...
same lik kl geh...
nt malacca style geh...

then go shopping...
dataran pahlawan...
bought 2 singlet..
same pattern geh...
juz different colour...
hiak hiak~

then walk le hou long time...
tired sei le...
cn say exhausted oso..


then go eat dinner..
i sit the another aunt's car
a new driver...
bt the skill stil okie lar..

then go makan...
met my another aunt...
wif her fren...
then ate 2gether..
finish eating...
then v juz chat chat chat chat~~~
chat dou vry hapi..
bt vry mosquito bites...
then v vry pro...
chat til the shop close..
haha :D

then bac hm..
my cousin stay at hm..
then v continue..
duno go whr eat again...
fat nie~

then chat again..
n funny ..

til duno wat time..
then go my mum house...
2day exchange...
i slp my mu house
my aunt n cousin slp my grandparent house..
no y...
tam song...
hiak hiak~

then i duno wat time only slp...
coz new house ...
nt used 2 it...
gt scary feel..

then sms wif him..
til i beh tahan..
then i go slp lu~~


early 7++am..
my mum duno do wat..
bing bing bang bang~~
make dou i cnt slp...

then i vry blur~
n super slow mo~
[slow motion]
super tired

then go find my aunt n popo
then o 4 facial...
hapii hapii~

then finish facial go eat
char xiu fan...
yummy yummy~
kl dun hav de..

then go jusco shopping..
coz outside shopping vry hot...
super hot~~

then shop a while only..
then bac hm le..
i bought a new jacket again...

then bac hm bath...
then bac kl le...

i vry gud girl...
i didnt slp
i acc my mum drive the whole journey..
i vry 伟大..
coz i'm damn damn damn TIRED~!!

i alr nt enuf slp 4 few day...

then abt 7 sumthing reach kl..
then go car4 4 dinner..
then i go pm find yin...
miss my fren soo much~

then abt 11 sumthing only reach hm...
then on9...
a while nia..
beh tahan jor...
then go slp..

i think i nid 2 stop here.
coz i'm damn tired d...
headache summore...

nites guys~~

to be continued~